

Huntington Beach visitors targeted by dive-bombing birds

Posted at 5:51 PM, Jun 02, 2017

Dive-bombing birds have people ducking for cover in Bay Village. 

For beach goers enjoying the outdoors at Huntington Beach, rays of sunshine weren't the only thing taking aim.

Red-winged blackbirds are surprising visitors from above. 

"Many, many birds are going to be very aggressive during the time of year when they are nesting," said Lake Erie Nature and Science Center Director of Wildlife Amy LeMonds. 

The birds are forcing beach visitors to duck and run to escape protective parents. Some have had their hair and head pecked while others had their hat nearly snatched.

Gene Pfaff of Bay Village is used to coming across the aggressive birds this time of year but he told News 5 he'll never forget his first encounter. 

"Well, the first time the bird came at me, you don't know what that is flying around you," he said. "You think, 'oh my God, what is that?'"

Experts say there is good news on the horizon.

"It does end and it typically is going to end probably within a month of when it starts. When those babies are strong, on their own, keeping up with their parents, they are going to be far less aggressive," said LeMonds.