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Kaleidoscope - June 3, 2018


President of the Cleveland Branch NAACP James Hardiman and Co-Chair of the 2018 Freedom Fund Dinner David Turner share information about what attendees can expect at the Freedom Fund Dinner. This year's speaker will be Soledad  O'Brien. For more information and tickets call 216.231.6260 or visit https://www.clevelandnaacp.org

Founding Director of Powerful Long Ladder Ensemble Terrence Spivey and President of the Tamir Rice Foundation and Founder of Tamir Rice Afrocentric Cultural Center Samaria Rice talk about the upcoming Tamir Rice Sweet 16 Fundraiser to be held at the Cleveland Museum of Art. They also explain how individuals can donate funds to help repair the building that will house the Tamir Rice Afrocentric Cultural Center. For more information and to purchase tickets to the Sweet 16 Fundraiser visit https://www.eventbrite.comto donate to the Tamir Rice Foundation visit https://www.ioby.com

Founder and Chairwoman of the Women of Color Foundation Alex Boone talks about the  annual leadership seminar co-hosted by Dominion Energy on June 14th. Event is free but individuals must register to attend. To register call 216. 391.4300 Ext 307 or  visit https://www.womenofcolorfoundation.com