

Giving Tuesday | Events, freebies & donations


Several northeast Ohio organizations are participating in a global day of giving that takes places the day after three full days of shopping and deals.

Once consumers are finished with shopping on Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, they have the opportunity to give back on Giving Tuesday, held each year on Dec. 1. 

On Dec. 1, the Cleveland Animal Protective League will participate in Giving Tuesday by sharing stories of some of the special animals in need of help that have visited the facility during 2015. The Cleveland APL said the stories will be shared on social media as well as through email, with the opportunity to give support to the organization. 

Click here to support the Cleveland APL

The Cleveland Browns and the Cleveland Browns Foundation started their own campaign for Giving Tuesday early on Nov. 29. Those who donate to the foundation will have the chance to win a variety of daily prizes including a Danny Shelton football, Alex Mack helmet, a Joe Haden helmet and more. Proceeds benefit the Cleveland Browns Foundation and programs such as 2,000 Days, the Adapted Football League and the Cleveland Metropolitan School Districts Get to School, You Can Make It Campaign.

Learn more at

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland has joined Giving Tuesday to encourage philanthropy and the celebration of generosity worldwide. On the day, the federation and its local partner agencies will celebrate Jewish Cleveland pride and inspire the community to make the world a better place. 

To join the JFC's initiative, visit

Giving Tuesday is also an opportunity to participate in the creation of music by giving a donation to FiveOne Experimental Orchestra, a Cleveland musical group on its seventh full season of concerts. All gifts at the $100 level and above will be entered into a drawing to receive a brand new 51XO t-shirt. 

Visit for more information

Stewart's Caring Place: Cancer Wellness Center is also reaching out for donations on Giving Tuesday. The organization can be followed on social media to learn what it does throughout the year to help its participants. Stewart's has a Holiday Giving Tree in its lobby, located at 2955 W. Market St. in Akron, that lists its needs. 

To give to Stewart's, visit

The Rape Crisis Center for Medina and Summit counties will also participate in Giving Tuesday. They ask when you give back, consider the survivors of sexual violence and donate to the center. 

For more information, visit

The Hilton Cleveland Downtown hotel is offering free hot chocolate on Giving Tuesday. The Hilton and the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority will hand out 2,000 free cups of cocoa from local coffee shop Pour Cleveland to Clevelanders coming into the city through Terminal Tower between 7 and 9 a.m. Tuesday. 

Find more information here about the Hilton, Pour Cleveland and RTA

Join the movement and help Greater Cleveland's literacy crisis on Giving Tuesday. The Literacy Cooperative introduced SPARK, a kindergarten readiness intervention program, superior volunteer training practices (STEP), and connected employers with literacy services. They are asking for donations to help continue the work they do. 

Visit to learn more

The Friends of Cleveland Library have also agreed to participate in Giving Tuesday. They will be a part of the first-ever annual Book Bowl with the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore. The competition will launch at the end of the Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns game Monday night and run through Tuesday. The two libraries will compete to see which can raise more funds to help support programs in their area. Apparently, if the Friends of CPL win, CEO Carla Hayden will wear a Browns jersey and a dawg pound mask while singing "Who Let the Dogs Out?" 

To donate, visit

For more #GivingTuesday news, check out the Twitter stream below to see what is being said about the day on social media. More events and donation requests can be found in the stream below.