
Nina Turner has fundraising lead in early numbers released for upcoming 11th District race

Nina Turner
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CLEVELAND — The Senate confirmation of Rep. Marcia Fudge to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is expected in the next two weeks, at which time she’ll step down from the Congressional seat she’s held since 2008 which will create an open seat for third time in the last 50 years.

The latest campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission shows four candidates in the district raising funds for a run. The totals are only through Dec. 31, 2020 and represent just the first few weeks of fundraising.

Numbers were available for former State Representative John Barnes. His finance report is still being processed, the site said. Former Cleveland Councilman Jeff Johnson raised $5,700. Cuyahoga County Councilwoman and Democratic Party Chair Shontel Brown raised just over $40,000 while former State Senator Nina Turner got off to a strong start with $646,744. Her campaign added that January was also good.

"We have raised over a million dollars so far,” said Turner’s Campaign Manager Liz Shirey. “And that is from tens of thousands of small dollar donations from across the country, nearly 2,000 donors right here in Ohio."

Because of Turner's role as co-chair of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, which raised the bulk of its money in 2016 and 2020 through small dollar donations, it was expected that she would see the same from across the country, but she believes it won't be just a question of national dollars coming into this local campaign.

“We will raise more money from the great state of Ohio than any of the candidates in this race,” Turner said. "Although I do enjoy, because of the work that I've done across the country support from grass roots people who can relate to the suffering in the same way that I can relate to the needs, in the same way that I can of their brothers and sisters in the 11th district in the great state of Ohio… We will raise more money than anyone else running from the state."

Brown for her part, says this the race will come down to more than dollars.

"We may not be able to match her dollar for dollar but what I can say is that we have the people with us,” Brown said. “I have a list of endorsements that grows everyday of people that live here in the district that can actually make a difference in this race."

Endorsements that Turner and the other hopefuls say they also are picking up. The ultimate primary date will be set by Gov. Mike DeWine once Fudge steps down from her seat