

Nuisance homes in Tremont finally torn down after years of complaints

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On Your Side Investigators have been tracking problematic homes in Tremont after receiving complaints 2 years ago. Now, there are big changes for that neighborhood and we have new information about the future plans.

Back in 2015, neighbors complained about the houses falling apart in the 1000 block of Starkweather Avenue in Cleveland. There were collections of rusted pipes, barrels, hubcaps and a ton of other things.

At the time, we tracked down the owner who told us there weren't any old tires in the backyard. However, we had clear video evidence to the contrary. There were dozens of tires piled up on the property.

"That's terrible because those tires…that's a total hazard and they're so hard to get rid of,” said Stan Motyka, who walks the Tremont area often.

This month, those homes were demolished.

Motyka appreciates the nuisance homes have finally been torn down.

"It's great that this has happened here and I'd like to see more of it," he told us.

Not all neighbors are happy with the demolition. They wanted to at least keep the structure of the homes intact. However, the new owners Sutton Builders, LLC, told us it was their intention to renovate the houses like they have with hundreds of other homes in Tremont, but those houses had too much damage, garbage, and bad design to save.

What's next for the lots? Sutton said it will come up with a plan this winter that will compliment the neighborhood and there could be new construction in the spring.

In the meantime, many people like the homes and trash gone. "If it's collecting garbage, it's time to get rid of it," said neighbor Kevin Collins.