

Orphaned, injured animals find a home at the Perkins Wildlife Center in Cleveland

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Orphaned and injured animals often can't survive in the wild. But, in Cleveland, more than 100 of them are thriving. 

It's all thanks to the Perkins Wildlife Center & Woods Garden at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. 

The new wildlife rehabilitation facility opened in September and it's home to animals like a visually impaired great horned owl, a groundhog rejected by her mother and three coyotes rescued during an emergency roadside c-section after their mother was hit and killed by a car. 

PHOTO GALLERY: Perkins Wildlife Center


The center's staff tells News 5 the animals serve as ambassadors and help teach visitors about the wildlife all around us. 

"We focus on Ohio wildlife because that's what our visitors are going to be encountering in their day-to-day lives," said Michelle Leighty, manager of the Perkins Wildlife Center. "And we really want to inspire people to learn about these animals and respect these animals."

Learn more about the Perkins Wildlife Center here.