Volunteers went to work around Cleveland on Tuesday sprucing up three public spaces as part of a collaborative beautification effort aimed at enhancing the visitor experience of the delegates, media and other guests in town for the Republican National Convention in July.
"The goal of the initiative is to create a brighter, more welcoming experience along the main pedestrian and vehicular thoroughfares in Downtown Cleveland and the surrounding communities," the Host Committee stated in a release.
“I want to thank everyone involved in this initiative for their hard work and dedication to the City of Cleveland,” said Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “As we continue to improve upon our infrastructure throughout the city this collaboration will add an aesthetic element designed to showcase the beauty and prosperity of our city.”
“This beautification effort is such an important component to this community’s preparation for the Republican National Convention,” said David Gilbert, president and CEO, Cleveland 2016 Host Committee.
“In July, Cleveland will be center stage as we welcome 15,000-plus members of the national and international media and many more delegates and guests. This is our opportunity to demonstrate once again the collaborative nature of this community in putting our best foot forward to showcase the true beauty of our city and the passion of our people.”
The Host Committee’s beautification effort launched Tuesday morning in collaboration with ScottsMiracle-Gro and the help of more than 60 Host Committee volunteers to plant gardens in three primary locations including: Downtown’s Willard Park, featuring gardens managed by the Northeast Ohio Sewer District, the City of Cleveland and The Refugee Response, along with Ohio City’s Market Square Park and a new garden in Shaker Square.