

Local musician spreads anti-bullying message


Many musicians dream of having the chance to play big gigs like a sold out arena full of people or even on Broadway.

One local guy has done exactly that, but perhaps his biggest platform has been the one with the smallest audience.

If you've been to a Cleveland Cavaliers game recently, then you probably seen Elec Simon drumming with his crew during the halftime show.

"Aw, man, playing for that, type of audience it’s amazing,” Simon said. "My mom says she pretty much tears up every time she sees me up on the jumbotron, it’s just another dream come true.”

But when he's off the court, it's a whole different ballgame.

“I have my own little tour called Elec Simon and Friends school tour, my life assembly bullying tour which is dedicated to my best friend Terry Ford.”

Simon uses music as bait to reel kids in to hear his message about self-respect and anti-bully.

"It was wonderful," said Kevin Stone, third Grade teacher at Sherman Elementary School, where Simon was today. “The anti-bullying message, which made a lot of our kids cry, I think it really touched home with a lot of our kids.”

Throughout his career, Simon accomplished many great things, but he said his desire to change kids’ lives is most important because his life was changed dramatically years ago.

“When I was 16 years old due to bullying, my best friend Terry Ford committed suicide because he got picked on in school and it changed my life man, it messed me up,” Simon said.

That's why he wants every kid to leave his session with hope and respect for themselves and others.

“My main message to schools, and to kids and to teachers is to believe in yourself number one and last but not least never give up, never give up.”

So how does he measure if he’s making a difference or not?

He said, “When I see kids run up to me in Walmart or in the mall and say, ‘hey, that’s brother Elec, believe brother Elec believe, believe, we love you, never give up’ that makes me feel so good.”