About 200 people waited to get inside the Cleveland Heights-University Heights schools' board meeting to voice their concerns about the possible cuts that could terminate several teachers.
Due to the audience turn out, the meeting was moved from the CHUH schools headquarters to the high school auditorium, a source told newsnet5.com.
The Cleveland Heights Teachers Union responded to CHUH administration's "excessive reduction in staff," according to a document released by the group. The document continued, stating that the school district's enrollment rate has declined by about 100 students per year. That means each year there were nine less students per grade level.
"This kind of change will not affect the number of classrooms we need as is being purported," the union said in the document.
The union stated the size of the district's teaching staff became significantly smaller since 2007. There are also 45 fewer classroom teachers this year than in 2007, which is about a 10 percent reduction.
"The current cuts announced by administration will not only cut the 49 teaching slots and 2 counselor position, but several other positions that will not be filled due to resignations and retirements," the union's document stated. "The result is that the administration is suggesting that our teaching staff should be cut by more than 22 percent over the same period when student enrollment has declined by 14 percent."