

Kids of University Hospitals: Cameren

and last updated

"Now with radiation my skin is really dry. And sensitive to the hot and the cold. And just like my entire body is sensitive to everything now. Like I can’t be in the sun longer than 10 minutes or it can cause rashes. And they said it can cause other cancers if I’m in the sun for too long."

This is Cameren. 

(He's a Steelers fan but we won't hold that against him).

We talked to him as part of a series we are working on with University Hospitals and Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. 

At 15 years old, Cameren is battling, for the second time, Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Myelodysplastic Syndromes are a group of bone marrow disorders in which the bone marrow does not produce enough healthy blood cells.

Cameren has had two bone marrow transplants. In his most recent one, his mom was his donor. Doctors performed the surgery on her birthday.

Throughout September, you’ll see stories, like Cameren's, on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as on

Kids of University Hospitals: Joseph

Kids of University Hospitals: Addison

Kids of University Hospitals: Molly

Kids of University Hospitals: Wilson

Kids of University Hospitals: Piper

Kids of University Hospitals: Luke

Kids of University Hospitals: Juliana

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