

Local security expert says Las Vegas shooter had previous experience with weapons


By listening to the rapid continuous gunfire from the videos of the Las Vegas shooting spree, security expert Tim Dimoff, president of SACS Consulting and Investigative Services, knows some of the types of weapons that were used.

“They’re converted to be fully automatic, pull the trigger back one time and hold it and it just keeps firing, basically like a machine gun,” Dimoff said.

Talking to his contacts in Las Vegas, Dimoff said the gunman, Stephen Paddock, had two rifles mounted on a platform or tripod so he could shoot down at the crowd, instead of holding the rifle for 20 minutes. A platform kept his arms from being tired and made for steadier shooting.

Dimoff strongly believes Paddock had previous experience with weapons 

“Definitely good experience in previous police, military, hunting that type of person. This wasn’t someone who grabbed a gun for the first time,” Dimoff said.

Akron’s Angella Rose and her husband, Aaron, were at the concert and tried to hide from the gunfire in their bleacher seats at first.

But as the gunfire continued, she started recording on her phone.

“We think the gunfire is happening on the strip, but we’re not sure, so much gunfire and we hear more gunfire,” Rose can be heard saying in a Facebook post as rapid gunfire rings out in the background.

Rose feels lucky to be alive. She is still stunned 

“I’m in disbelief that someone would do something so evil on innocent people having the greatest weekend of their lives, and just ruin it like that, and ruin lives is just unimaginable,” Rose said.

Rose said she is looking forward to returning home to Akron.