

Lakewood driveway, street vandalized with painted swastikas


A Lakewood driveway and street were vandalized with painted swastikas on Wednesday afternoon.

Two swastikas were painted on a Belle Avenue driveway. The third swastika was painted on the street.

Lakewood police said the city is coming out Wednesday afternoon to pressure wash the swastikas.

State Representative Nickie Antonio responded to the vandalism in her neighborhood.

Homeowners were not sure why their homes were targeted.

“There is no place for hate in Lakewood. Last night, someone vandalized a driveway on Belle Avenue by painting two swastikas on it. I made the decision not to post the photos online as I believe it gives the symbols too much attention.

“Our attention needs to be on how sad and sickening this hate crime is. I visited the family this morning and offered my Columbus office's full assistance. Moreover, Lakewood police are investigating, and Tony Gelsamino from the Health and Human Services Department in Lakewood arrived to offer city assistance. Many neighbors have offered their help and kind words. We will pull together and we will not let hate divide us. This act of hate will only serve as a catalyst to unite us within the community.

 “I, too, live on Belle Avenue, which is home to many children and families with much love and consideration for one another. The Lakewood community will not accept this escalation and use of hateful symbols in our community. We must all denounce this wave of hate and fear that is gripping our nation at this time, perpetuated by a leader in the highest office in the land. Our best response is to get to know our neighbors and express that hate has no place in our community or our country.”