A local company is releasing new t-shirts ahead of the NBA championship finals.
Newsnet5 visited GV Art + Design in Lakewood where orders are coming in for their newest shirt that reads “Win one for the land.”
“Sometimes it’s just a strong message that says it and that’s all you need,” said owner George Vlosich III.
Most ideas for t-shirts are first sketched out. Co-owner Greg Vlosich says the best designs are then put on the computer to see how it lays on a shirt.
Vlosich tells Newsnet5 the company doesn’t use a formula when designing. Each shirt is seen as a piece of art.
“If it’s something that I’m really excited to wear and can’t wait for them to come in, hopefully it’ll be a good seller,” said Greg Vlosich.
GV Art + Design is not yet printing shirts that say anything about the Cavs winning the championship. Like the team, they’re taking it game by game. But, they're feeling optimistic.
“We’ll probably make sure our printer is working an extra late shift after the (last) game,” laughs Vlosich.