

New law protects first responders who treat injured pets

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A new law makes what  firefighters have been doing for years, legal.

The Ohio governor signed legislation into law last month that allows first responders to provide basic first aid to dogs and cats rescued from house fires, car accidents or other crisis situations. In the past, only licensed veterinarians could provide that care. 

"I think it's a great idea, more protection for people who help save your dog, a great idea," said dog owner Emily Svoboda. 

The new law, which is set to take effect in August, makes Ohio one of the first states to protect first responders who administer lifesaving aid to dogs and cats in crisis. 

The law will allow first responders, without fear of liability, to provide oxygen, perform mouth-to-snout resuscitation stop bleeding, and even administer the overdose antidote naloxone to dogs or cats that have ingested opiates.

"These are our family members our companions and they deserve the care we want for the rest of our family, " said Ayse Dunlap with the Cleveland APL.