A traffic study showed there wasn't enough traffic for a traditional stop light, but now people who live and work around new crosswalk signals in Lakewood said a stop light would be safer.
Here’s how the new devices work.
Push the button and yellow means someone is about to cross, red means traffic must stop, but here's the issue, flashing red means if no one is in the crosswalk, cars can proceed.
We saw numerous cars blow right through the solid red at crosswalks on Detroit and Manor Park, and Madison and Clarence Wednesday.
Even when the walk sign was on and the light was red, several cars didn't stop for a mom pushing a baby buggy or kids walking home from school.
Lakewood Mayor Michael Summers said the new crosswalk signals are not confusing, but there will be a learning curve with drivers and pedestrians.
Summers also said these new crosswalk signals are the wave of the future, because they cut down on cars idling at traditional red lights.