NORTH ROYALTON, Ohio — The North Royalton Fire Department is working to make child safety a top priority.
They're actively fundraising to build a new Safety Town project in the community.
The department is enlisting some extra help, from a group of die-hard Browns fans, area business owners, and city officials.
This project has been in the works for years.
You can support the effort by donating, buying sponsorships on the miniature Safety Town buildings, and purchasing raffle tickets.
North Royalton Fire Chief Robert Chegan is on a mission and has a clear vision for his community.
"I think this is gonna be really enjoyable for the kids but also a learning experience," Chief Robert Chegan, North Royalton Fire Department, said.
He wants to build a new Safety Town project for local kids.
Chegan shared the early renderings with News 5.

Think of it like a mini town/playground where kids leave the classroom and get a hands on-experience on all things safety.
"They're gonna be able to learn about pedestrian safety and crosswalks, and the traffic they might encounter, stranger danger," Chegan said.
North Royalton's future Safety Town will be built on the property at the former Royalview Elementary School off Ridge Road.
Chegan says it was partially inspired by neighboring cities' latest versions of their safety town projects.
All of which have seen tremendous success and played an instrumental part in child development.
"Not only will they come to the fire station and police station, they're gonna be able to go to this little town and have a really interactive, educational experience," Chegan said.
The total cost for the project is a little more than $70,000.
Chegan says it couldn't be done without the support of the local Browns backers as well as area businesses.
Thanks to past fundraising, the North Royalton Browns Backers and Niko's Bar and Gyro's helped raise more than $13,000 for the project.
"We're based on community, helping the community out. And I think this would be a great opportunity," Niko Moulagianis, Owner Niko's Bar and Gyros, said.
"I think what separates us from all those other fan bases is that, you know, we go deeper than that and, if we have the wherewithal and the opportunities to help people, you know, our neighbors then I think it's our responsibility to do that." Tim Rudnick, President of North Royalton Browns Backers, said.
They're now collectively focused on the next phase of Safety Town, raising funds, locking in building sponsorships, and raffling off a Bourbon Barrell from Red Fox Reclaiming, as well as multiple other prizes ahead of Superbowl Sunday.
And yeah, we know, there's always next year for the Browns. Just ask Moulagianis.
"It's tough with the Browns. It's hard being a Browns fan," Moulagianis said.
When Chegan asked for some assistance, they said it was a no-brainer.
"It's wonderful! It's a good feeling. It is when you hand that check out to a good cause. It's a good feeling," Moulagianis said.
"If we have the means to, to, to support, to, to make our community better, It's almost our responsibility, isn't it,?" Rudnick said.
Chegan says the support has been incredible from the City, School District, and community so far and he hopes to keep the momentum going.
The overall goal is to have the North Royalton Safety Town Project completed by June 2024.
You can buy tickets for the raffle at Niko's on 82, North Royalton Fire Station 1, or through the chief.
All of the proceeds will go toward the project.
Chief Chegan can be reached here: or 440-759-8421.
Winners for the fundraiser will be drawn on Super Bowl Sunday, February 11 during half-time.
You do not need to be present to claim your prize.
In addition, the Browns Backers and Niko's have done extensive community-related work.
They previously fundraised for a separate Fire Safety splash house and have given thousands to North Royalton High School's Track team and students in the form of various scholarships.