18-year-old Amaru Shabazz, a student at Cleveland Heights-University Heights high school was arrested for posting a video on Facebook of a special needs student using the bathroom at school.
The video has since been taken down.
School administrators said they notified University Heights police who charged Shabazz with disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, a misdemeanor.
But court records show Shabazz also has a separate pending case for allegedly robbing a Subway restaurant and holding a worker against her will.
In that case, he was charged with robbery, kidnapping and theft. He later bonded out.
Police said they notified high school administrators about that January case.
A Heights High School spokesperson said as far as the video Shabazz posted, school rules call for the student to be suspended and recommended for expulsion because the incident took place in school.
But here is the key question: why was Shabazz allowed to stay in school with a pending robbery, kidnapping and theft case, and why weren't parents and students notified?
A school spokesperson told News 5 because the robbery did not happen at school, and Shabazz hasn't been convicted, he said they couldn't deny the student an education.
News 5 asked if parents should have been notified.
The spokesperson said it's not pertinent to the school community to do that.
But parents said they should have been told.
"Yes I would have liked to have been notified because that's unsafe for him to be up here with all these other kids, and he's been accused of robbing a Subway, so yeah I would like to have been notified,” said one parent.
"I would want to be notified because that is a safety issue for the children, it's an issue with the children's safety at the school,” said another parent.
Shabazz is back in jail on a $5,000 bond.