

Valley Art Center mural completed


A mural that sparked controversy at Valley Art Center has been completed. 

Since last fall, a mural that had been in the process of being painted on the outside side wall of the Valley Art Center facing a parking lot has been a topic of discussion. Whether it was considered art, or a business sign advertising what was going on inside the Bell Road building was at the center of the debate.

Village officials declared the mural violated the 12 square foot maximum size for a business sign within Village limits.

After multiple meetings, Village voting and some heavy legal discussions, a compromise finally was agreed upon: A new design must be used. Final approval would come from Chagrin Falls Village officials.

Sponsoring a contest of designs submitted by artists this spring, a landscape design by Chagrin Falls resident and artist Charles "Bud" Deihl was chosen by Valley Art Center board members.

Valley Art Center has been a staple for creative Chagrin Valley residents expressing themselves for decades.