CLEVELAND — Riversweep, Northeast Ohio's largest clean up of the Cuyahoga River, is happening this Saturday, May 11, and volunteers are needed to help clean up our region's greatest asset.
There will be 10 separate clean up sites so you can choose a location that is closest to you. The first 700 volunteers will receive a free T-shirt and will be provided gloves and bags for the trash.
Join volunteers on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon for a major clean-up effort. In 2018, 700 volunteers removed 32,265 tons of trash, including 273 tires and used 40 gallons of paint to cover up graffiti.
Volunteer truck drivers will pick up bags of trash in areas that are only visible along the route of the river. Those who wish to participate must sign a waiver before cleaning up trash.
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Clean-up sites below:
The Flats West: Meet on the outside patio of the Cleveland Aquarium: 2000 Sycamore Street Cleveland, OH 44113.
Rivergate: This site will also clean Irishtown Bend. Meet at Sainato's Restaurant: 1852 Columbus Rd. Cleveland, OH. 44113.
Canal Basin Park: Meet at Flat Iron Café 1114 Center St. Cleveland, OH 44113.
Train Avenue: Meet at Aries Industries. 3301 Train Ave.
Tremont: Meet at Lincoln Park, near the gazebo 1050 Starkweather Ave. (get directions).
West Creek: Meet in the back of the Giant Eagle parking lot, 7400 Broadview Rd, Parma, OH 44134.
Big Creek/Lower Harvard: Meet at Sand Bar, 4002 Jennings Rd. Cleveland. 44109.
Slavic Village: Morgana Bluffs Nature Preserve: Meet at Mound Elementary School (5935 Ackley Rd Cleveland 44105) The school
is directly adjacent to Nature Preserve.
Mill Creek: Meet at Brilla House (8411 Webb Terrace) located at the intersection of Turney, Broadway, and Warner.
Johnston Mill Run & Forestdale: Meet at Arthur Johnston Park, just south of 4478 Johnston Parkway in Cleveland.
Click herefor the Riversweep volunteer waiver and more information.