

Police: Chardon fires finance employee for fraud


The Chardon Police Department is conducting an investigation into possible fraudulent activity by a former city employee, officials reported on Friday.

According to police, the department contacted an outside accounting firm that specialized in financial investigations for assistance.

The issue was discovered after Accounting Clerk Nancy Link in the city's finance department had been improperly posting and receipting payments in the city's accounting system, police reported. The discrepancy was found the week of Feb. 29 during an inspection of city financial records.

Link was fired for failing to follow established city policy and admitting to the theft. 

Police said a criminal investigation was started. A forensic accountant will work with local authorities and the case will be sent to the Geauga County Prosecutor's Office when completed. 

Chardon has Public Employee Dishonesty Insurance coverage, which is expected to cover any losses, police said. 

This is an ongoing investigation.