Madison Village will dissolve their police department due to budget concerns, according to a statement released by Mayor Sam Britton on the Village’s website.
“Cuts from the state’s local government funds hit the Village’s revenue hard,” Britton wrote.
Britton said with the cuts the city is estimated to “project flat revenue into the foreseeable future.”
The police department receives about $656,100 in funding annually, which is not enough to even fully staff the department, he said.
After exploring different options city officials said they decided to dissolve the department and partner with Madison Township, allowing their police force to take over duties in the Village.
Britton said the agreement will allow 24/7 full time police coverage in the village for less than they currently budget.
“Dissolving the Village police department is a serious decision,” Britton said. "It is not being made lightly or without significant contemplation. It is also on a personal level a difficult decision as the men and women of the department are fine, decent people who will be affected by this decision.”
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