

School alerts families about suspicious man

and last updated

Brunswick City Schools sent a letter to students' families alerting them about a suspicious man recently seen in the area. 

In the letter, the school system said Crestview Elementary has been working with police regarding an individual who has been seen on school property during dismissal time and was reported stating inappropriate comments to a few parents. 

Brunswick Schools said the the suspect was a man in his early 20's. 

Crestview alerted parents and a report was filed with the Brunswick Police Department. Though the situation involved only the elementary school, Brunswick made sure to send the letter to families of students in all grades. 

The letter stated, in part:

As always, we ask that you be aware and alert, especially during high traffic times of arrival, dismissal and school events. Also, it never hurts to remind your students (even teenagers and those who drive to school) about interacting with strangers. Talk with them about what they can do and the safe places they should go to if they ever feel like they are in danger. This will help them have a plan in mind. Additionally, stress the “see something, say something” concept. We rather look into a false alarm several times than have a student be afraid to speak up once.

Parents, please do not hesitate to contact the district if you have any questions or concerns. Safety is always our number one concern. We have and will continue to work with our school resource officers, and the entire Brunswick Police Department to ensure our student’s safety.