

In Brunswick, it's now illegal to leave your dog unattended in your car for more than 5 minutes

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Important news for animal lovers and dog owners: you may want to bring your furry friend with you everywhere, but leaving them in the car? Big no, no.

It's illegal now in Brunswick.

A new city ordinance means dog owners can be cited for leaving animals in vehicles unattended. 

"If you wouldn't feel comfortable left in the car you shouldn't expect your pet to," Brunswick-area vet Dr. Alex Mullen told News 5.

The ordinance allows for charges to be filed when pets are left during a heat or cold warning issued by local, state, or national weather authorities. 

Animals also can't be left for more than five minutes unless appropriate temperature controls are in use and adequate water is provided. 

"They would face the charges because an officer was called out or someone had seen this or someone was able to investigate," Brunswick City Councilman Nick Hanek said.

Hanek told News 5 people consistently report struggling animals to the city but, until now, follow-up was difficult. 

"There's also a provision, you can't leave an unattended puppy under 6 months," he said.

A first-time offender? They're looking at a minor misdemeanor unless the animal suffered injury. Charges increase with every offense.

"Which means they can face up to six months in jail," Hanek said.

So, the best thing you can do, according to Dr. Alex Mullen, whether you live in Brunswick or not?

"If you know it's poor weather conditions, cold or hot, it's best to leave them at home," he said.