

Take Control Program: Montville Police Department offers monthly advanced driver's ed class


When it comes to teen driving, how prepared are they?

In one Ohio community, the police department holds a monthly advanced driver's education course where teen drivers are taught how to handle slick conditions, skids, shuffle steering and emergency breaking in a controlled, hands-on scenarios.

It's called "Take Control" and is held one a month through the Montville Police Department.

It was founded by three families in Medina County who lost children in crashes, said Sgt. Chris LaFond.

The goal is to expose drivers to situations that may happen outside of textbooks and in the real word, he said.

New driver Alexis Ecksteine has been part of the program for two months.

"It definitely taught me things that I never even knew. It definitely helps you with situations that you don't know how to get out of," she said.

The program is offered on the third Saturday of the month. It's a free program. Reservations need to be made and each session is limited to a certain amount of participants.

Visit the Montville Police Department website to learn more.