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10-year-old house cat from Copley home safe after stowing away in neighbor's car on trip to Chicago

Macie cat from Copley
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COPLEY, Ohio — A 10-year-old cat from Copley went on the adventure of a lifetime, making her way from Northeast Ohio all the way to Chicago by way of the fender of a neighbor’s vehicle.

Holly Signorino’s 10-year-old cat Macie is an indoor cat and has never been outside.

On Sunday evening, Signorino’s husband was doing some housework and had the doors open. After he was done working, Signorino’s husband couldn’t find Macie and realized she must have slipped out of the house.

The couple looked around their neighborhood for the missing cat, posted her pictures to local lost pet pages and put her litter box outside hoping to guide her back home, but to no avail.

Then, on Monday afternoon, Signorino’s neighbor Susan Strandberg came over with her husband Brent on Facetime and showed her that he had found Macie—in the front fender of his vehicle after he had driven to Chicago.

“He got there and heard some meowing but thought it was a stray cat in a bush,” Signorino said.

Brent continued to the Goodyear plant he was working at that week and heard the meowing again. That’s when he remembered his wife had mentioned the neighbor’s cat was missing.

“He got some of the guys at the shop to help take part of the car apart to get her out,” Signorino said. “They ended up getting her out and took her to the conference room to love on her and take care of her until we could come get her.”

Signorino and her husband drove to Chicago on Tuesday to pick Macie up.

Holly Signorino and Macie

“She seemed like she wasn’t sure what to think at first. She was so quiet the whole six hours home, which is so unusual for her,” Signorino said. “She slept most of the way home, she seemed happy. She was just content. She wasn’t injured, expect a little abrasion on her ear.”

Signorino said she was worried about Macie’s health from the journey, considering she’s 10, but she was as healthy as ever.

“I took her to the vet just to make sure she was okay,” Signorino said. “They were all calling her a miracle cat.”

Signorino said Macie is back home, safe in Copley, getting back to her normal routine with her first trip out of the house under her belt—a trip Macie and the Signorinos are not likely to forget.