

NBA Finals 'Sneaker War' heats up rivalries in Cleveland


The Cavs-Warriors rivalry continues to heat up, but it's a match-up that's about more basketball.

There's another battle going down on the court and it's all about footwear.

Some call it the 'Final's Sneaker War-' the marquee match-up LeBron James and Steph Curry, will be wearing on their feet. 

"Everyone wants to wear what they're wearing," Xhibition manager, BryAnna Vincent told NewsChannel 5.

Fans agreed. They said it's all about the shoes. 

"It's huge, it's your personality on your feet," fan, Anthony Williams, said. 

The footwear rivalry is keeping star players on their toes off the court.

"People want to wear the newest LeBrons or the newest Kyries, just be on top of the trends," Xhibition manager, BryAnna Vincent told NewsChannel 5.

Stand-outs, LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and Steph Curry each have signature footwear.

We asked a Warrior's fan in Cavs Country, Anthony Williams, how he feels about Curry's newest shoe, commonly known as 'the dad shoe' online. 

"When you put them on they feel good...they are not stylish," Williams said. 

Call Cleveland biased, but everyone else we talked to said the Sneaker War's been won.

"Kyrie makes some dope shoes! And LeBron," Cavs fan, Kendall McClain told NewsChannel 5.