

Video Vault: Fred Griffith at Expo '67 Montreal


The world came to Montreal for Expo ’67 or as its official name states, the 1967 International and Universal Exposition.

Among the 50 million people who would visit the fair during the sixth-month exposition would be WEWS reporter Fred Griffith.

Fred is best known for hosting the Morning Exchange on WEWS from 1972 to 1999, but he held other titles as well, including news director and public affairs director at the station.

Fred and his family sent back a series of reports to Cleveland beginning in late April during the first week of Expo ’67.

I’ve uploaded two of Fred’s stories in our video player, although I’ve had to edit together what I think they may have looked like when they aired on WEWS. The film segments were saved separately – Fred’s on camera and voice over film were “A rolled” (played back on one film projector to air) and his scene footage were “B rolled."

The first of his two stories is an overview of Expo ’67 Man and His World. We see Fred and family at Cleveland Hopkins Airport heading to Canada and then scenes of the Montreal attractions.

The second story is really intriguing; Fred profiles the Soviet Union’s pavilion. It’s a 60s time capsule of life, or what the Soviets wanted us to believe life was, behind the Iron Curtain. A space capsule, supersonic airplane, a TV and a model of a Siberian town were showcased in the Russian exhibit.