Art & advocacy: Artist teams up with Avon leaders to send a stark message about heroin abuse

According to artist Ryan Poignon, his interpretation of the piece is a visual of how one achieves a high from drug use, only to plunge to a disastrous low.Mark Durdak
The installation, made of 100% recycled materials, stands more than 14 feet high and 15 feet wide. It features several pairs of human legs topped with syringes instead of torsos and heads.Credit: City of Avon
The traveling sculpture will be at 36774 Detroit Road in Avon through Tuesday, March 7. The community is invited to view the art installation and talk about it with friends, co‐workers and family.Mark Durdak
“I didn’t give the sculpture a name because I want people to put their personal interpretation with it when they see it,” says artist Ryan Poignon.Mark Durdak
“The sculpture may be uncomfortable to look at,” says Mayor Bryan Jensen. “However, the goal is to educate people and start conversations about this issue. The statistics are staggering and the numbers continue to rise.”Mark Durdak