

Local woman with MS petitions for special handicap plaque for people with invisible diseases and disabilities

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CLEVELAND — For nearly ten years, multiple sclerosis has taken over her life. A local woman uses a handicap sign when she run errands, but for some, her invisible disability causes others to question her state-issued card. Now she is taking matters into her own hands to make sure others don't experience by creating a special one for those who have invisible diseases.

"It's the numbness, the tingling, the heat intolerance," said Katie Hominsky.

But everyday Hominsky fights back although its hard.

"It's emotional, and not being able to physically work and help provide financially for my family," said Hominsky.

She's still able to drive and when she runs errands, she parks in the handicap spot with her state issued handicap placard, but she says that's still not good enough for some people.

"You get looks, and people can yell at you or leave nasty notes," she said.

Hominsky says a cop followed her out of a store parking lot and pulled her over when he saw her drive out of a handicap space.

"He comes back with this confused look on his face, and he's like can I ask why this is registered to you? And I was like OK, I'm going to make you stand in the middle of the street now and listen to my entire MS story," said Hominsky. "He did apologize and I said you know its ok."

She says her friend who also has MS found a note on her car, telling her to leave handicap spots for people who need them.

Hominsky thought there had to be a way for people with invisible disabilities and diseases to not be harassed while they were using their handicap placard. That's when she had a though, what if there was a special color just for them?

So she designed an orange handicap signs for folks who have issues that most people can't see, but are allowed to park in handicap spots.

"I needed to do something that meant something and that will help changes people's lives," said Hominsky.

She started a petition a few weeks ago and already has well over 2,000 signatures.

When a person receives a state issued handicap parking sign Hominsky wants them to have the option to take the standard blue one or an orange for what she calls their invisible handicap.

"I want everyone across the globe to find this petition and sign it," she said.

You can find the petition here.