With the Cavs success comes people trying to capitalize on the season with businesses popping up on street corners. We found that you should watch out for some sellers.
"Don't put me on the TV,” said one seller who pushed away our camera.
The stand is selling merchandise for 5 and 10 bucks in East Cleveland near Euclid Ave and Eddy. T-shirts have images of the players, names and numbers. We wanted to see if these were the real deal, endorsed by the NBA. “I don't want to talk to you,” the guy told us as he walked away.
Meanwhile, we found fans checking out another stand at the corner of Miles and Northfield in North Randall. We saw shirts with brand names on them and those that didn't but at least the generics had a warning label. "…City Celebration Apparel is not endorsed or licensed by any team, league, organization or institution," the tag read in-part.
Jeff Gorham was running the stand. He had a mix of official gear and the more generic shirts. "We try to do things right,” said Gorham. “The company I work for has done this for over 30 years. So, we know what the business is behind it and we do it legitimately."
Cleveland native Lady Gilmore appreciates the effort. She bought a shirt and she buys that the Cavs will prevail. "Love them because we are going all the way,” Gilmore said with a big smile.