A Sandusky skate park is in dangerous disrepair, according to the people who use it. They told NewsChannel 5 the park is not safe for kids and the city isn't doing anything to fix it.
"The entire thing is an accident waiting to happen," Sandusky resident, Will Adkins said.
Screws, wood, and metal pieces are exposed. Parts of the foundation are cracked.
"There's not a smooth inch on here. At all," Adkins added.
Kids and adults are still using the park.
Adkins told NewsChannel 5 several people tried to work with the city, even fix the park themselves, and nothing changed.
No people are raising money to fix the city owned park- through a GoFundMe account.
"Since they're not keeping up their end, we want to fix it," Adkins said.
NewsChannel 5 took concerns to Sandusky's city manager, Eric Wobser.
"What do you have to say to the people who created this GoFundMe account and say that they city isn't making moves fast enough?" "We want to meet with them as quickly as possible," Wobser said.
He explained the city is working on plans for the park and has been for months.
"The condition of this park right now isn't up to the standard that shows how much we care," Wobser said.
According to him, the city has plans to fix the current park and will keep it open while they work on plans for a brand new park.
"I think this park is safe, but there are things we can do in the shorterm to improve safety," he said.
The city of Sandusky will host a meeting at the skatepark on September 22nd at 6PM to get feedback from the skating community and come up with a future plan.