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As his mother battles cancer, an Ohio man hopes to share her story with the world

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PIQUA, Ohio — An Ohio man is trying to spread the word in hopes his mother, who is battling late stage pancreatic cancer, can receive recognition from not only her community, but her favorite talk show host.

In 2016, Stephany King was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Shortly after her diagnosis, doctors performed the Whipple procedure, or pancreaticoduodenectomy, and things were looking good for a few months. Unfortunately, things began taking a turn for the worse.

Doctors realized the cancer was beginning to take over her body and started administering chemotherapy, which was extremely hard on King. After another evaluation, doctors found four spots with cancer in King’s stomach and determined chemotherapy was no longer helping.

King’s son, Kyle Miracle, was serving in the United States Marine Corps and was on deployment. His service ended in 2018 and he moved back home to be near his mom and help her out. King’s sister lives with her, taking care of her day in and day out and one of the things they’ve always loved to do is watch “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

“I look at my mom and I see traces of her in Ellen, or Ellen in her, whichever way you want to look at it,” Miracle said. “She’s always been the person that people gravitate to. She’s always the happy person who has a smile on her face no matter what.”

Miracle shared his mom’s story on his Twitter account, hoping to get the word spread far enough to reach Ellen DeGeneres.

Since sharing, his tweet has found its way to “Browns Twitter" and was even retweeted by Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield and his wife Emily.

About two months ago, King was told she had just weeks to live. It’s been six weeks and although her health has diminished, she’s still fighting every day.

“My mom has touched so many people’s lives and it kills me to think she could possibly leave this earth without getting the recognition she deserves” Miracle wrote on Twitter.

While the family remains hopeful King’s story will reach DeGeneres, they are also just grateful for the support they've already received from their community, in Piqua, Ohio and Northeast Ohio from all of the Browns fans who have found her story since Miracle shared it.

Anyone who would like to send words of encouragement or get well cards to King can mail them to:
1110 Scudder St.
Piqua, Ohio

Miracle said the cards would be a nice way to show how impactful his mother has been in their community and a nice way to look back and remember how far her story spread.