There's a meme going around Facebook about the Powerball jackpot that got its math way wrong.
Here's a post that had over a million shares at the time this article was published:
WOW!!!!!!! #ShareThis!
Posted by Livesosa on Sunday, January 10, 2016
For the record, the correct division there comes out to just $4.33 per person -- not $4.33 million.
To be even more accurate, the jackpot is at 1.5 billion, and the U.S. population is closer to 319 million people. So we're talking around $4.38 per person. While that's about enough for a fast food value meal, it isn't exactly a comprehensive solution to poverty nationwide.
Sure, there are probably better ways to spend $1.5 billion than launching a random American into the upper ranks of "the 1%" overnight. So, what would you do with the money instead?