Grumpy Cat, also known as Tardar Sauce, was a calico mix who suffered from feline dwarfism and became an internet sensation for her perpetually "grumpy" face. She passed away on May 14 at home.
RELATED: Social media star 'Grumpy Cat' dies at age 7
Many Twitter users shared tributes to Grumpy Cat in the best way they knew how: using memes.
Considering Grump Cat made her claim to fame through the jokes created with her pictures, it seems only suiting the memes live on. Here are some of the best memes created to honor the life and death of Grumpy Cat:
goodbye grumpy cat
— shitty watercolour (@SWatercolour) May 17, 2019
R.I.P grumpy cat. #grumpycat
— Dylan Canters (@CantersDylan) May 17, 2019
Across the rainbow bridge in style... #GrumpyCat
— Rataplan (@ratsmodee) May 17, 2019
And now his watch is ended 😢#GrumpyCat
— Tyrion Lannister (@GoT_Tyrion) May 17, 2019
Grumpy Cat with other late celebrities:
Rest in peace #grumpycat you were a good cat.
— Badar Sensei 🔥 (@skitzo96) May 17, 2019
Grumpy Cat passed away. I'm genuinely sad. May she find happiness in Cat Heaven.#GrumpyCat
— Kaiju University (@UKaiju) May 17, 2019
Rest in Peace Grumpy Cat.
Some days are grumpier than others...
— Grumpy Cat (@RealGrumpyCat) May 17, 2019