The National Weather Service in Cleveland has issued a frost advisory for many communities in Ohio, including Medina, Wayne, Richland, Ashland, Stark, Summit, Huron, Seneca, Carroll, Coshocton and Tuscarawas Counties. The advisory does include Cuyahoga County this time. It is in effect tonight through early Monday morning.
Frost potential will be better tonight, with clearer skies and lower winds.
Temperatures will drop into the low to mid 30s in many areas inland tonight. Lakeshore communities will see mid to upper 30s, and this should limit the frost potential there.
Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold, and be sure to dress warm!

Another frost/freeze is possible Wednesday night and into Thursday.
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