Police are searching for a man, who attempted to burglarize a home, but was shot by the owner.
According to police, the incident occurred on East 160th Street, when a man entered a home and was shot in the left shoulder by the homeowner. The man escaped through the back window and fled the scene.
Eddie Henderson, 26, said he was using the bathroom at around noon Friday, when he heard some loud noises.
Henderson said he snuck out quietly to the basement to grab his pistol. He described being face-to-face with the burglar in the hallway. Then, the burglar ran to hide in the bathroom, his face looking a little too familiar.
He said the burglar apparently recognized Henderson too, because he told him, "I didn't know it was you I'm sorry I'm sorry."
Henderson said he shot the man in the shoulder, but he still got away through the bathroom window. However, Henderson said he's hopeful police will catch him.
"Got blood everywhere, there's blood everywhere in the house, so they got his DNA," he said,
Henderson said he is just thankful, he was prepared this time, because this is the second time his house has been burglarized.
"First time when I was a kid, but this time I can actually do something about it because I'm licensed to carry," he said.
Henderson's advice -- he said everyone should be prepared to protect themselves and have a plan in place, because this kind of incident could happen to anyone.