

Indians fans victimized by World Series ticket scams

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World Series Indians fever has a left a few diehard fans with a headache after they were victimized by a ticket scam that cost them $900.

Jeff Geld and his brother were born and raised in Canton, so when the Indians clinched a trip to the World Series, they both spent thousands to travel back to Cleveland for game one against the Chicago Cubs.

The brothers thought they found two seats to get into Progressive Field on Craigslist for $900. 

The female seller seemed to have a plan for transferring the seats into their names.

"I'm coming from Boston, my brother is coming from Dallas," said Geld.  

"We booked the flights.  We found a hotel room. We were sure that we were in."

"But then we were skeptical about it; she said that she was going to set up a third party company called Parcel Flight, and then we would wire money via Western Union to her. That once the money got to this third party site, she would send the tickets."

Unfortunately, when Geld and his brother made it to Cleveland they quickly discovered the tickets didn't exist and their $900 paid through Western Union was unprotected and untraceable.

The brothers reported their case to Ohio Attorney General's office, which told News 5 other Indians fans have been victimized in the same way.

The Ohio Attorney General warns to never pay through va wire service unless you absolutely know who you're dealing with on the other end.

Still, Geld seemed to take his expensive lesson in stride, he and his brother bought another set of tickets for more than $1,000 so they could go to game one of the World Series.

They also showed a sense of humor, setting up a Go Fund Me account.

"We set up a Go Fund Me account to try and maybe recoup some of our money.  The Go Fund Me account is 'Tribe fans got scammed,'" Geld said with a grin.