NewsPolice Violence Protests


Members of Ohio’s Congressional delegation invoke Dr. King in calls for justice and peace

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CLEVELAND — After a weekend of violent protests around Ohio and the country congresswomen Marcy Kaptur and Marcia Fudge issued calls for peace on Monday drawing on the teachings of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

“To the very small minority of people who have resorted to violence, consider the lasting effects such destruction will have on communities that too often are already struggling,” said Kaptur. “Whatever your objective, you make harder the lives of so many people. Let the words of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. guide you: ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,’” she said.

“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. defined a riot as ‘the language of the unheard.’ America, can you hear us now,” Fudge said.

“Time and again, we are forced to witness Black men and women killed by the very people who have a duty to protect and serve us. We want America to live up to its promise for all her citizens. Every American deserves dignity, value and respect. Justice can no longer be delayed or denied.”

“Justice is when Black America is humanely treated by law enforcement, has equal access to education and economic opportunity, and full access to the ballot box. I call upon every legislator in this country – from village councils to the Congress of the United States – to take immediate action to outlaw the use of choke holds, whether by arm or by knee. Especially as I read today, the city of Minneapolis alone has rendered 44 suspects unconscious with this tactic since 2015. It must end,” she said.

Kaptur said it’s time for Washington to step up and do their part. “I will continue to support those who are working to create a more just society. I will continue to work with local leaders and advocates to ensure that Northern Ohio leads the way in that fight. And I will continue to fight for the passage of important legislation in Congress, such as the Police Training and Independent Review Act, and efforts to revive the very successful community policing initiatives of previous administrations."

“I invite people of goodwill from across northern Ohio to join me in helping rebuild the torn spirits and burned blocks of our country. Let us rise from this deep tragedy and engage the true spirit of America. Let us do it in George Floyd’s memory, and the memory of every victim of racist violence. Let us unite with the grieving family of George Floyd and aspire to fulfill his family’s wish – justice and peace,” Kaptur said.