TREMONT, Ohio — "Every other race looks out for each other. Isn't it time white people do the same?," asks a poster found at Clark Field.
That flier is just one of several Tremont residents who are outraged over finding this week.
Megan Jones-Turner told me she was walking her dogs at the Clark Field trail that begins at West 11th Street and Clark Avenue this weekend.
The sign she found said, "We are approximately 4% of the world's population. If it's gone, everyone will look Asian or African. Protect us."

The poster also included a hashtag: #OWLM, which stands for 'Only White Lives Matter.'
"It’s very disheartening. [It's] very disappointing that people feel this way. Also, making it into something that is about race, 'people will look out for one another,' I feel like just because that's the right thing to do [that] you're actually making more division by pointing out differences rather than finding the things that unite you and make you the same," Jones-Turner said.
Jones-Turner said she wasn't planning on sharing what she saw, but another Tremont local shared a poster taped to the outside of Dante on social media. It said, "Embrace your race."
The sign shows a white family of four. What appears to be the father in the photo has a swastika on his arm.
"It's unsettling," Jones-Turner noted.
When Jones-Turner saw the social media post, she shared her experience and said she was glad to see so many sharing the same feelings she had.
"I take heart in the fact that there are other people who are going to be fighting this just as hard like taking these signs down and bringing awareness to it," she said.
Both Jones-Turner and the woman who shared the sign outside of Dante said they ripped the signs down and disposed of them.
A photographer and I went to both locations on Sunday afternoon.
While we confirmed neither flier was still posted, a mere 20 feet away from where Jones-Turner found that one poster, my photographer and I found another sticking out of the trash can.
It promotes "white unity" and defending "your race."

Sunday night was the first time Jones-Turner had seen the sign we did.
"That's very disturbing to see that. It's very disturbing to imagine that people still think and feel that way. I mean, it's 2024," Jones-Turner added.
While Jones-Turner doesn't feel unsafe and doesn't believe this is the work of someone who lives in Tremont, she wants to see action taken.
"It'd be nice to see these people brought in and kind of questioned if they can find out who did it, like what is your motive? What is your plan? What's your objective here?," Jones-Turner stated. "Educate yourselves on what it is that you are pushing because there's no reason to hate other people because you don't know anything about them, about their background."
I reached out to the City of Cleveland Ward 3 Councilperson Kerry McCormack for comment since these areas fall within his district. He didn't respond by publication.
Dante was closed on Sunday, but we reached out via social media for a response regarding the sign taped to the outside of the restaurant. I haven't heard back from the business either.