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A promise made, a promise kept: North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial unveiling Monday with flyovers

The North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial Board set out years ago to build a tribute to local veterans who've paid the ultimate sacrifice. Their efforts and community support raised more than $300,000.
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Posted at 4:30 PM, May 24, 2024

The North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial Board set out years ago to honor local veterans who've served and died for our country.

That goal has been accomplished. On Memorial Day, the site will hold its official unveiling.

"We're long overdue for something this grand because we owe them so much more," said Mark Steinbrunner, president of the North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial at the corner of Bainbridge Road and State Route 83. "This is about our veterans and some of our veterans never returned home and we're going to be honoring them."

Last July, he shared plans for the memorial on the weekend edition of Good Morning Cleveland.

Watch News 5's original report from July 2023

North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial to break ground next month

In September, I covered the ceremonial groundbreaking event.

Watch News 5's original report from September 2023

North Ridgeville holds ceremonial groundbreaking for veterans memorial

The North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial was made possible through the board's persistence and the community's work to help raise more than $300,000 and counting.

Steinbrunner also said countless donors lent their expertise and resources to create a beautiful space for the public to pay their respects and learn about military service.

The site is nearly complete, with a few items still needing to be put into place, such as conflict stones.

Among service flags is a tranquil fountain surrounded by plaques of fallen heroes from North Ridgeville. There are also pavers bearing the names of service members, local and beyond, who put protecting our country and democracy first despite the unforgiving realities of war.

During News 5's September report, Sara Markle, the vice president of the North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial, said, "We did not want it to be just another wall on the side of the road. Our goal was to create an experience."

Monday, the city's Memorial Day Parade will begin at 9:45 a.m. at the high school and end at the new Veterans Memorial. A ceremony will include three flyovers featuring World War 2 planes and fighter jets. Several special guests will be on hand, including a Gold Star Family.

"I want them (visitors) to walk away with something that they can learn from especially the younger generation who once they start learning about veterans they might go down that little wormhole and learn about veterans and their family," Steinbrunner said. "They might have family members who will be on this memorial or family members who gave the ultimate sacrifice. And I just want to be a place where they can learn and reflect."

Steinbrunner said those attending the unveiling should park at the high school and walk to the memorial. He said parking at City Hall and near the memorial is reserved for senior citizens and those with disability license plates or placards.

For more information on the North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial, click here.

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