AKRON, Ohio — The Akron Church of the Nazarene and an Akron neighbor received an early Christmas gift after getting some generous donations to replace its stolen church bell speaker system.
The speakers stolen back in November, after thieves scaled the church roof and bell tower, were replaced by Stow Ohio company Pro Z Group and its CEO Craig Brazelton, $2,500, and bell system company Chime Master donated the speaker installation.
Pastor Darrell Frazier called the timely donations a Christmas season miracle.

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“It’s just amazing how people respond, but it was said your church is going to have bells, your neighborhood is going to have bells for Christmas," Frazier said. “I haven't actually met Craig face-to-face, he’s just a kind and generous person, it was also his company who donated a banner for our centennial celebration.”
Arlington Church of the Nazarene parishioners Kat and Larry Ritterbeck told News 5 the theft of the church bell speakers was a tough loss, but the donations just before Christmas is something the church will never forget.
“We were just in disbelief, couldn’t believe what had happened, that somebody would go through that much effort to take the speakers," Kat Ritterbeck said. “But we were astounded that someone would be so kind, would be willing to give that type of donation and that they would make it happen so fast.”
Pro Z Group CEO Craig Brazelton did not want to do an on-camera interview and told News 5 by phone his mother has a friend who attends the church and said his donation was just the right thing to do.
Pastor Frazier said the church has taken additional security measures to protect the donated speakers as Akron Police continue their search for the thieves.
“We get irritated by some of the frustrating things people do in this world, but we also have to be reminded there are many wonderful people in this world, who are kind thoughtful," Frazier said. “Yes, it was a blessing and a miracle, but just the determination, kindness and response of people has been amazing.”
Anyone with information about this case is urged to contact the Akron Police Detective Bureau at 330-375-2490. News 5 is committed to following through on this developing story.