

In-demand jobs: Here's how to land a job in one of Northeast Ohio's top industries right now

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CLEVELAND — It is a statewide effort to bring attention to the industries, jobs and skills in high demand. From May 6-10, community leaders partner with companies and education leaders to create ways to help steer job seekers and students into these career paths.

We are focusing on Northeast Ohio’s biggest industries: Manufacturing, Health Care, and Information Technology, and bringing you some of the most in-demand jobs in each that also has a great family-sustaining wage.

The basics: How to have a rock star resume

Six seconds. That is about how much time your resume has to win over a hiring manager.

Keep it clear and simple, says Tim Bleich, president of Vector Technical.

"Get rid of the fancy fonts, the graphics and the art," he says. "And use spellcheck!"

A resume writing expert says to ditch the objective statement and instead lead with a professional summary that lays out your accomplishments and skills.

As for education, unless you're a recent graduate, he says move it to the bottom.

And use quantifiable metrics when describing your job experience.

"Specific details about what you did for the company," says Joe DeLisle, a Vector recruiter.

"The more you know about what you've done, the more you can explain it in an interview, and a lot of clients don't like vague answers," he said.

Also, adapt your resume to the job, says DeLisle. Do not send out the same resume to a dozen different employers without tailoring it to the needs of each specific position.

DeLisle pointed to a candidate looking for a general foreman job. "He needs to call out activities directly related to that job, like: how many people did you supervise, did you do wage reviews, did you do performance appraisals," he said.

"Know your resume inside and out," said DeLisle. "Reasons for leaving each job. Even if it's 10 years ago. Why did you leave? They want to know."

Do not forget about social media. Clean it up, says Bleich. "They're Googling your name to see what you have out there," he says.

Finally, in the interview process, Bleich says don't ask how much it pays.

Manufacturing: Industrial maintenance technician

“You basically make sure things run correctly,” said Tim Bleich, president of Vector Technical. His company places people into manufacturing jobs.

He says vocational schools and certificate programs will do the trick, but this career also required an on-the-job mentorship from a veteran retiring tech.

In-demand jobs: Manufacturing

“The transfer of knowledge is so important,” he said.

If you’re just coming out of vocational school or have minimal experience, Bleich says pay is anywhere from $14-$18 per hour.

“More and more we’re seeing it on the higher side,” he noted.

In one to two years, he says you’re making in the $20 per hour range, and after five years he says you’re making $30 per hour or more.

“With overtime, they’re making $65,000 to $75,000 a year, easily,” said Bleich.

There are a ton of job openings right now in manufacturing. Bleich says to come visit them and see where you might fit best. It will cost you nothing. They get paid by the companies looking to hire people. More info here.

Health Care: Registered Nurse

If you like helping people and want to be a critical part of a health care team, then nursing may be for you.

"It's very rewarding," said Molly Jackson, the director for the Graduate Entry Nursing program at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing.

A registered nurse is one of the most in-demand jobs here at home and nationwide.

"With our graduating classes, virtually every graduating student who wants a job gets one, and often they have job offers before they even graduate," she said.

In demand jobs: Registered nurses

Here are the vitals. There were more than 10,000 job postings last year in Northeast Ohio for registered nurses. The median hourly earning was $32.80.

"It's a great job to have while raising children,” she said. “It's ideal because you can work different shifts. You can work weekends, and you can balance it around your significant other's work schedule."

The cost of becoming a registered nurse depends on where you go and the type of degree you pursue.

You can go the two-year route and get an associate degree. It will cost less and get you working quicker.

However, Jackson cautions that many hospitals do prefer a bachelor's-prepared nurse, which takes about four years.

Are you looking to make a career change?

There are programs, like at Case, that have people with non-nursing bachelor's degrees, sitting for their license exam in about two years.

"The flexibility and the opportunities are really limitless,” said Jackson. “Especially for today's nurse."

Nurse practitioners are also in high demand, which requires additional education. Usually, another 2 to 4 years.

Information Technology

Software developer is one of the most in-demand careers in Northeast Ohio.

There were 4,615 job postings in 2018, with a median earning of $37.70 an hour.

“A day in the life of a software developer is probably 70% coding and 30% collaborating with teammates, brainstorming ideas to solve problems,” said Meghan Tilton, a senior recruiter for Hyland.

Last year, the Westlake software development company hired 500 people. Tilton says they're hoping for similar growth this year.

“We're looking for people with a technical aptitude,” she said. “A willingness to learn. A wanting to expand their technical knowledge.”

In-demand jobs: Software developer

Tilton says 2-year and 4-year degrees are great, but so are coding or data boot camps.

Highly-rated boot camps last 12 to 24 weeks and cost upwards of $14,000. There are options for financial assistance.

The IT industry is booming. That is good news for workers. Companies are offering great perks to attract and keep talent.

Hyland is again one Fortune's 100 best companies to work for. Employees enjoy on-site hair care, child care, gyms, volleyball and basketball courts and flexible schedules. Also, after eight years, employees get a 4-week sabbatical.

"It's about a great work-life balance."

If you want to work this career into your life, Tilton says learn as much as you can, highlight job-related projects on your resume, and how you've stepped up to be a team player – whether at work or school projects.

She also says don't write yourself off if you don't have a perfect resume.

“Apply to an entry-level position understanding you can move up within the organization,” she said.

Information security analysts is another in-demand job in IT.

Aside from software developers, Tilton says the top positions Hyland is currently hiring for are; Application Security Engineers, Penetration Tester, UX Designer & Researcher, and Test Engineer.