WeatherSevere Weather Awareness


Winter Weather Awareness: Why does Northeast Ohio have so many potholes?

Posted at 7:00 AM, Nov 06, 2023
and last updated 2023-11-06 13:06:06-05

Potholes are a major issue here in Northeast Ohio.

The potholes here are actually something we can't prevent.

It's all because of the weather.

Here's how it happens: When water gets into these gaps, and the temperature drops, it freezes and turns into ice.

Ice takes up more space than liquid water, and as it expands, it can force the cracks or holes to get bigger.

When the temperature rises, the ice melts and turns back into water, and this cycle repeats itself.

Each time it does, it makes the gaps larger, eventually forming potholes.

The repeated freezing and thawing, along with vehicles driving over the road, break it down, leading to those dreaded potholes we all see.

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