A devastated family wants answers and justice after a father was killed by a hit-skip driver.
According to authorities, the crash happened on Feb. 9 around 4:07 p.m. near S. Arlington and Ray streets.
Authorities say Jimmy Fletcher, 47, was riding an electric bicycle north on S. Arlington Street when he was hit by a white sedan that was turning onto Ray Street. The driver took off as stunned witnesses dialed 911.
"How do you have that kind of heart to do that to someone? You could have at least stopped, checked to see if he was okay, or if you could have helped him," said his daughter Natasha Fletcher.
Family members said Fletcher, who also went by "Rocky," leaves behind five grown children and a 17-year-old daughter.
His fiancee, Angela Fouty, said Fletcher worked at a Family Dollar store. Beyond his family, Fletcher also loved animals, picnics and barbecues.
"He had so much love in his heart. He loved everybody," Fouty said.
When EMS responded to the scene, they found Fletcher unconscious.
He was transported to Summa Akron City Hospital. He died Monday evening.
"When the car hit him, it severed his spinal cord and fractured his spine," Fouty said.
As of Tuesday afternoon, police were still looking for the driver and the vehicle.
"It's pretty heartless that you would just leave somebody that badly injured behind after what probably is an accident," said Captain Michael Miller.
No further description of the vehicle was provided, but Miller said it should have front-end damage, which could include a damaged windshield.
Through her grief, Natasha Fletcher said she has found small comfort since some of her dad's organs were donated to help others' lives.
"That's still a part of him living on out there somewhere," she said.
Fouty and other loved ones are urging the driver to examine his or her conscience and do the right thing.
"If you can find it in your heart, please just turn yourself in," Fouty said.
News 5 has reported on other hit-skip accidents on Arlington Street over the past few years.

We don’t just report the initial story—we follow through to its conclusion. Read and watch our previous reporting on this story below and see more stories that we've followed through on here.
In January 2021, Lucille Palm died on her 63rd birthday after she was hit by a car while crossing Arlington near Georgia Avenue. That location is just two streets over from where the bicyclist was hit.
In October of 2020, 64-year-old Army veteran George Fry died when he was struck by a car while crossing Arlington near Exchange Street— less than two miles from where the bicyclist and Palm were killed.
No one has been arrested or charged in any of the cases.
"It's something we that we never forget. We'd like to provide those answers to the respective families," Miller said.
Summit County Crimestoppers is offering a reward of up to $2,000 for information leading to the driver. Tipsters can remain anonymous when calling 330-434-COPS.
On Monday, Akron Mayor Shammas Malik issued the following statement about the case prior to Fletcher's death:
"I want to first extend my sympathies to the victim in this incident. My thoughts are with him and his family as he remains hospitalized following the accident. This corridor of S. Arlington is noted in the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) Safe Streets for All Report as an area of high injury. The report offers several countermeasures to consider including: Road diets, crosswalk visibility enhancements, medians and pedestrian refuge islands, corridor access management, and increased lighting. Incidents like this underscore the need for a safe bike network in our community and speed mitigation efforts and we will be looking into a variety of these countermeasure ideas to help address the safety concerns in this area. I also encourage anyone with information regarding this particular incident to call the Akron Police Department Detective Bureau at 330-375-2490 or visit AkronCops.org to submit a tip anonymously."