Seven-year-old Tyren Thompson had his third surgery today after being shot in the chest Sunday after his youth football game in Akron with his team, the Akron Bengals.

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Tyren's family said he asked to hold his football today in the hospital.
Akron Bengals coaches tell News 5 he has a long road to recovery ahead. News 5 went back to Akron on Thursday night and talked with the team's coaches about getting the players back on the field safely.
Akron Bengals Director Donte Swain said these players are still processing Sunday's traumatic shooting at their game at Lane Field in Akron.

"But right now, we're getting back on track. We have kids back smiling," Swain said.
Swain said his coaches' quick actions after the gunshots helped Tyren get to the hospital fast.
"Coach, Jerry Williams, just getting him up off of that ground and being proactive, him being proactive, it honestly, it got us to where we're at, and Tyren is still alive," Swain said.
An Akron Police officer stopped by Sherbondy Field, where the Bengals practiced. Police will check in on youth football practices and games to make sure parents and players are at ease.
"Also, we're going to take extra precautions as cars are coming in. It's pretty much a one-way coming in this way, just making sure stopping and checking vehicles, making sure they belong to our organization," Swain said.
News 5 was in Akron earlier this week for a moment of prayer for Tyren. Counselors and city officials talked with players and parents.
"Tor hear some of the issues and concerns that they have, but also hear some of the solutions that they've created to really address the gun violence, and making sure that our babies are safe," said Denico Buckley-Knight, youth and community opportunity director, City of Akron Mayor's office.
This Sunday, the Akron Bengals are taking the week off. They are still running routes to prepare for their next game on Sept. 10.
Swain said to make sure the kids are safe, the teams will play inside a stadium.
"Buchtel High School stadium, which is what we've been pushing for just to get keep these kids inside of a more stadium confined area, instead of open parks," Swain said.
Tyren is really proud to share a team name with one of his favorite players in the NFL.