Michelle Arnold has been missing since Oct. 26, 2023. Her family said she lives in Maple Heights, and there was a welfare check after she went to a residence in Warrensville Heights on Banbury Cir. to collect belongings.

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Ebony Arnold is one of Michelle's sisters. Ebony said Friday is Michelle's 24th birthday, and the family grows more concerned with each passing day.
"She missed Christmas. She missed, you know, Thanksgiving, and now it's her birthday coming up on Friday, which is a very special day," Ebony said. "So it's just very heart-wrenching. It's just very scary. It's just... it's very overwhelming because I know she would be here if she possibly could."

Ebony said family and friends plan to hand out more missing person flyers this weekend and search for clues.
"I don't know if something has happened to her," Ebony said. "I'm a very spiritual person. I like to speak life into things because the tongue is very powerful. So, I don't want to say something has happened. But I mean it's just seeming like it has... it's just not making sense."
Lt. Parris Johnson with the Warrensville Heights Police Department said law enforcement continues to investigate and follow up on leads. Johnson said in recent weeks, there have been tips about possible sightings that ended up not being Michelle.
Johnson said there have also been several searches concerning the case, including where Michelle's cell phone was last pinged in East Cleveland.
Ebony said the family has been in contact with pharmacies and has been told no one has called in or picked up a prescription for Michelle.
Any tip can be called to the Warrensville Heights Police Department at 216-581-1234. Tips can be called into the Maple Heights Police Department at 216-662-1234.